Once I am finally done with school (which is in June by the way!!!) I promise I will be better at updating the blog. I have so many stories and pictures to put up. I have been slacking hard core. I want to be able to document everything so that I can remember everything that happens since my memory fails me multiple times.
For now, the christmas holiday break was great! It was hardly a break though. I still worked my usual hours and had both my brothers, sister in laws, and nephew over at our house during the break which was so fun! I miss having my family so close and being able to hang out with them whenever... It's been quite the transition since Paul and Claire left. At least Jeff, Crystal, Hudson and baby #2 are moving back in a few short months! I am beyond happy!
It does feel nice to get back in the routine of everyday life though. Like I said earlier, I'll graduate from BYU in June this year! It's been a long time coming but I am grateful for the time I've spent there, it really was a great education. After I graduate I will look to transfer to a branch closer to Salt Lake and hopefully a full time spot. As far as what I want to do after I graduate? I'm not quite sure... for now I'll just go with the flow.
Aust started his second semester at SLCC. He isn't loving his english class so much but we all have to take it right? He is busy working for his dad at Piano Liquidators as well as tuning pianos. Poor guy is always so booked. I really appreciate what a hard worker he is. I dont know how I got so lucky:) He is going to a music festival for work this week in California. He will be gone 5 days and I think I am going to die. That is the longest we have been apart since being married and I know its pathetic but I am going to die! He leaves today and I miss him already!!!
Also, he has been helping me workout at the gym! He has been showing me different exercises for lifting so that I can get more toned as well as work on my abs. I actually really enjoy it! Especially more than cardio..... It's so funny because I used to LOVE cardio and now not so much! I'm hoping to keep going at least 2-3 times a week!
Well I know its a novel. I need to update it more. I'll get better.
yay! So happy you updated!!! Cant wait to move back in 3 months and then we can hang out all the time :)